Tending the Fire

In old buildings there was a boiler room where men stood shoveling coal or wood into a furnace to keep the whole building warm. If they didn’t tend to the fire, the place went cold. The same is true in our lives. We need to tend the inner fire so our lives do not go cold.


Made for Success is based on the fact that humans are made up of three parts: The body, the soul and the spirit. The Body is that part that lives in the physical world. The Soul is the mind, will, and emotions. The Spirit is that part of us that transcends this life and is able to commune with God. It is my belief that success comes from the inside out. That is, it starts in the spirit, which affects the soul, which enables the body to do what we need it to to achieve success. With this understanding, it is imperative that we tend to the fire of the spirit on a regular basis. I thought I would share with you this issue a couple of ways I do this, in order to keep my spirit strong. Read More

Finding Your Life Purpose


You have a purpose in life. You have a unique gift or special talent. By using this to gift to benefit others you raise your spirit to it’s highest. This is the ultimate… the dream of all dreams and the point where you can all live a life with abundant happiness.

The question is how?

Forget how much money you have. Forget how big your home is or how big you’d like it to be. Forget where you want to go on holiday. Forget your religious background and forget your education. I say this because focus on these things can stop you from seeing who you really are and therefore stop you from doing what you want to do in life.


The reasons why you’ve forgotten who you are and what you want to do are that they have been extracted from you or squashed by following beliefs and values of those around you. You’ve been stopped from exploring you. Read More


“Courage is being scared to death – but saddling up anyway.”
– John Wayne

“Courage is the cliché hallmark attributed to the hero. I say cliché because people talk about courage as if it is some mysterious force only a hero is born with. Courage is a vague and fleeting concept for many people because they lack it themselves. People lack courage because they lack knowledge. They have no idea where the true source of courage comes from. Even worse, they don’t know it and continue to live in fear. As Socrates pointed out, ‘People not only don’t know, but they don’t know that they don’t know.’


This is why so many people on earth live in fear. Fear of death. Fear of life. Fear of living their nightmares. And fear of living their dreams. Most people are followers because they lack self-confidence and live in constant fear. Anyone who is brave and can show them how to overcome fear, they follow and respect. But…anyone that reminds people of their own fear, they attack and abuse viciously! This is human nature in its lowest, animal form. Read More

Happiness Is A Choice

Choosing things comes pretty naturally to us humans. I can choose chocolate ice cream over strawberry any day, and choose blues over browns without hesitation.

But can we really just simply choose a happier life?


If you mean a life that fits who you are, that is full of things that you value, is predicated on a sense of meaning – then yes, I believe that we can make those choices.

Life is usually what we make it. And while there are things that none of us can control — rainy weather, sky high gas prices, cranky bosses, nosy mother-in-laws — there are many things that you are in charge of. These are the things that help you lead a happier life. Read More

3 Essential Steps to a Happier Life

Your first step to a better life is to do you, meaning take care of yourself, because if you’re not happy then you will be hard pressed to make anyone else happy. What is going to make you happy? No one can tell you. Only you can answer that question. It could be money, it could be love, it could be to help others, or it could be none of the above.

You have to sit down and figure it out.


Inevitably, there will be times when you neglect to take care of yourself. This could be physically, emotionally, or spiritually, but you will know when it is happening because you will find yourself becoming increasingly dissatisfied and/or depressed. Read More

Time, Memories and Happiness


Have you noticed how time is going faster and faster? It really is. Actually, it’s collapsing. As you have no doubt noticed, many things in our world are collapsing – the financial world, the job market, weather seems to be intensifying, the health care system is struggling – the list goes on and on.


Linear time was created by mankind to keep order in our lives. Unfortunately, in our world, it places the emphasis on the past and the future. That leaves very little time for living in the present moment, the NOW. In reality, the present moment is all we have. When we constantly live in the past, reliving past events, we’re entering a time loop. The same goes for always focusing on the future. It overshadows the present moment and negates it. Read More

What Makes a Person Intelligent?

In traditional intelligence theories when one is asked the question “What makes a person intelligent?” the most common responses will often note a person’s ability to solve problems, utilize logic, and think critically. These typical traits of intelligence are sometimes grouped together under the heading “raw intelligence”. A person’s intelligence, traditionally speaking, is contained in their intellect. In other words, how we each understand, evaluate or respond to external stimuli, regardless as to whether it is a mathematical problem or anticipation of an opponent’s next move in a game, is our collective intelligence. Our intelligence therefore, is our individual, collective ability to act or react in a continually changing environment.


The principal problem in traditional intelligence theories is that they promote “fractured learning”. Many educational reformers have clearly stated that “taking tests merely shows that a student is skilled at taking tests”. At best, traditional tests focus on only about one tenth of an individual’s intellect. Note that Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, two of history’s most famous examples of brilliant minds, were terrible at taking traditional tests, therefore terrible at “school” in general. Multiple Intelligences theory then, demonstrates that the ability to take traditional tests is almost entirely in the realm of the Logical – Mathematical intelligence. This intelligence will be detailed later along with the Interpersonal intelligence, which imparts in some students the ability to second guess a teacher’s structuring of a test. Traditional IQ tests predict school performance with considerable accuracy, but they are only an indifferent predictor of performance in a profession after formal schooling. Read More

Building Confidence Levels Through Mind Control

Have you ever wondered about how you think? Learning to control your thoughts is a very effective personal development technique for building confidence levels. But the problem is that thinking is hard work, and most people seem to want to avoid it at all costs. They would rather leave things to the intuition to help them make decisions.

But in order to make changes in your life, to build confidence levels, boost your self image and self esteem, and do the things that you currently find difficult, you are going to have to make some changes in your habits.


Making Change Easy

But don’t panic – these changes can be very easy. I’m going to discuss the different thinking processes, how they work, and how you can benefit from some simple mind control tips. Read More

The Number One Secret of Happiness

I’ve been around this world a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of things. You might say that I am in the happiness business. I’ve learned a lot.

I’m going to share with you the number one secret of happiness. If you can’t do this, you’re never going to be happy. Life will be a struggle unless you have…


SELF-ACCEPTANCE. It means unconditional high self regard. It means loving yourself no matter what faults and imperfections you might have. No matter what mistakes you may have made. No matter how much your mother-in-law may criticize you. Read More

Tiny Details

Recently I was at an office getting some paperwork done. The young woman attending to me was a bit crabby. As we sat down to go over some information, she suddenly blurted out “I’m starving!” I mumbled a few words of sympathy that seemed to encourage her so she went on to tell me how upset she was at the other girls in the office. According to her, they get caught up in silly things, which cause them to leave too late to go for lunch. Because the office can’t be left unattended, and because she can only take her lunch break after theirs, if they leave too late it means she will have a late lunch.


As she spoke, I nodded my support. Then I remembered the breakfast bar in my handbag and offered it to her. Without missing a beat she took the bar, cut it open with her scissors, and immediately started to eat. She didn’t even read the label! Read More